Stress can be really overwhelming but, stress as a parent, there's nothing quite like it!
We all experience stress, anger, fear, frustration and sometimes the feeling of hate over takes us. It's quite normal to feel this way when we are stressed. Sometimes as parents, we allow things to take over our mind. Things that we cannot control, for example a stroppy teenager who is struggling with their own emotions and feelings, sometimes they can press our buttons but it's how we learn to cope with the sitaution at hand that makes everything worth while.
You have to put the effort in. Learning to control your own struggles, feelings and emotions and learning to communicate is really important. Once these are mastered, you will see an improvement.
If you think you need some help, support or guidance with the stresses of parenting, you can book me. I have skills, techniques, strategies and tasks to get you started. You teenager can even get involved with this too, infact it's important that they do.
Having little ones running around, tantrums in the shop, at the park or even at home can be embarassing for us Mum's but at the end of the day, they are only little and they learn from you. It's important to give them the best start in life. You show them that you can become frustrated by the slightest thing then that's what they will do too.
It's time to make a change.